Can you claim:

‣ Your relationship just gets better every year
‣ Your partner supports you in your daily tasks as well as your biggest dreams (and you do the same)
‣ You know exactly how your partner wants to be supported and loved (and your partner can say the same)


Or, do you have your priorities upside down (like many people):

Do you recognize yourself in any of the below?

‣ You put more effort into your work than your relationship?
‣ More energy into your children's life than your partner's life?
‣ More focus on others' happiness than your own happiness?

It takes bravery to change your relationship to yourself, your partner, your family and co-workers. But surprisingly, great progress can be made if we are simply willing to turn our attention to it.

We will bring new practices to communicating with our partners including mindfulness in speaking and listening, scheduling time, and the magic of the "Platinum Rule" (it's a twist on the Golden Rule that's far more effective and loving!).

We will discover how our fear of genuine vulnerability holds back effective communication, and how to practice vulnerable conversations that break new ground.

Once you start with the right guide and practices, you'll be amazed how insights open up and you gain clarity that you've never imagined before.

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In this focused workshop series, we are going to:

‣ Laugh a lot (and maybe cry a little)
‣ Spark a-ha moments
‣ Genuinely evolve your relationship

You'll gain hands-on, simple tools you can use immediately, as soon as you walk in the door to your home. By our third meeting, you will have practiced simple, effective exercises, learned new communication methods and tapped into internal and external resources to evolve your relationship.


Time: Two afternoons, 3-5pm, rolling dates (shared by email), with optional follow-up session

Venue: Fitspace, 5th Fl, 969 Wuding Lu, near Changde Lu 武定路969号,近常德路

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Request to be informed on next scheduled workshop: Add WeChat mscrystyl (or scan my WeChat QR code) and mention Relationship Workshop OR email (coaching @

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Crystyl coaches her clients around the world in the art of mastering their relationships.


Work with Crystyl to purposefully craft fulfilling relationships (starting with yourself) and realize your greatest potential at work, at home and in every encounter throughout your day. Learn practical tools and exercises that enable you to shift the way you show up to others to deepen understanding, connection, love and compassion. 

Crystyl Mo, Life Coach and Food Writer, understands the drive of wanting to do it all. Veteran food journalist and TV guest, Academy Chair for The World's 50 Best Restaurants, Strategic Advisor and Partner at Bon App, Bulletproof Coach, daughter, sister, wife and mother; she has found that mastering relationships is what gives her the ability to balance it all.

Learn more about Crystyl's career and passions at her website: